Account Info

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Account Info

First Name, Last Name

Provide your full name to create an account. Please note that you’ll be the account owner for the company.

Email Address

Provide your valid email address for your account. This will also be the username to log into your account. We will also use this email to contact you regarding your company’s R&D credit study related matters.

Company Name

Provide the company's legal business name claiming the R&D credit. We’ll use this company name on the final report. You can modify the company name later under Settings > Company Details

Cell Phone #

Provide a valid cell phone number that you can access. To keep your data safe, we will use your cell number to confirm your login attempt by sending a verification code.


Password should contain at least one uppercase, one lowercase character, one digit, a special symbol, and a minimum of 12 characters.

Referral Source

We would love to know how you heard about our platform. This information helps us improve our product to serve you better.




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