GOAT.tax is an R&D tax credit platform that was created by Source Advisors to assist taxpayers in claiming the R&D tax credit. Source Advisors is a consulting group that was formed over 30 years ago that specializes in the R&D tax credit and has established itself as a leader in the industry. Source Advisors has over 150 tax professionals globally and serves a diverse pool of clients in over 70 different industries.
Articles in this section
- My start-up is not profitable, do I still qualify for the R&D credit?
- How is the credit computed?
- How much money can I get back from the IRS?
- What happens if I can't utilize all my R&D tax credits?
- What type of deliverable will I receive?
- I don't have any employees, can I still claim the credit?
- Why hasn't my CPA told me about the R&D credit?
- How soon can I get my money after I claim the credit?
- What happens if I get audited?
- I took the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) does that matter?
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